
The Best Gifts for Freelance Writers 

As the holidays approach with dizzying speed, are you scratching your head wondering what the heck kind of gift to get that nerdy freelancer in your life? 

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I’ve put together a list of the best gifts for freelance writers, with ideas for any budget. 

How do I know these are the best gifts for freelance writers? Because I either want these things myself or I have them and they dramatically changed my life for the better! 

If you’re a freelancer, you can use this guide to curate your own wish list if you need some ideas for Santa. 😉

The best part? Most of these items are available on Amazon and are eligible for Prime members, which means if you’re looking for last-minute gifts you can still have it on your doorstep in time to get it wrapped and under the tree.

** My blog posts contain affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission on purchases you make after clicking on those links. (At no extra cost to you!) Full disclosure here. **

Techy Gifts

Chances are, they already have a computer or laptop where they do their wordsmithing magic. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other technological gifts that won’t make them happy! 

1. Activity Tracker

Apple Watch Series 5Freelancers spend a lot of time sitting. Keep the writer in your life healthy by getting them an activity tracker that encourages them to get up and move around. I have an Apple Watch which has been a life-changer for me. I’m obsessed with getting those activity rings closed and it helps me stave off “writer’s butt”.

The FitBit Versa is another great option and considerably more affordable. 

Both will zap your writer gently on the wrist every hour to encourage them to get up off their duff and walk off that horrible first draft they just wrote.

Amazon Kindle2. Kindle Paperwhite

Writers are also big readers by nature. A kindle is a great way for them to indulge in their book obsession without physical cluttering up the house with books. Yes, there is still a place for hardcopy books, but most writers are embracing the practical and cost-effective benefits of an e-reader.

The Kindle Paperwhite is far and away my favorite! It’s waterproof, glare-free, light, and the battery life is phenomenal. 

Mug warmer3. Mug Warmer

Writers get typing away and then the next thing we know, the cup of coffee we poured 20 minutes ago is cold. UGH! This mug warmer keeps coffee hot and looks pretty sleek to boot.




extra monitor

4. Auxillary Computer Monitor 

This is the thing the freelance writer in your life needs but doesn’t know it. I was working off my little MacBook screen for a year before my SO hooked me up with a second monitor. It’s the BEST. Research on one screen, type on the other. 


Sometimes great things come in subscription packages. Perfect for the minimalist writer who doesn’t want a lot of extra “stuff” cluttering up their workspace!

Audible is one of the best gifts for freelance writers5. Audible

Perfect for the uber-busy freelancer who has 1001 books on their “to-read” list and about zero minutes per day to actually sit down and read them. Audible means they can “read” on the go by putting on an audiobook while driving, working out, or doing housework. (Click here to learn more about why Audible rocks!) 


Improve your freelance writing skills with Skillshare


6. Skillshare

Skillshare is awesome because for less than you spend on your monthly Netflix bill, you get access to a limitless number of classes, including classes for copywriting, writing personal essays, and writing humor. 


Ergonomical Gifts

It can get physically taxing to hunch over a laptop all day. If they don’t already have these items you’ll be doing them a solid by gifting them one!

Sleek monitor stand7. Monitor Stand

Keeping that screen at eye-level with a monitor stand will save the writer in your life a hefty chiropractic bill down the road. Trust me on this! Plus, it looks sleek and awesome on any desk. 


Blue light blockers

8. Blue Light Blockers

The blue light from computer screens dries your eyes out. These blue light blockers are not just for writers but anyone who spends long periods of time staring at a screen!

Back support

9. Chair Back Support

Give your writer a more comfortable seat to do their best work in with this support that fits on most office chairs. Plus, it comes in a few different fun colors. 

Inspiration & Productivity

Sometimes, a computer just doesn’t compare to pen and paper. There’s a couple of things, in particular, your writer will love to use for capturing ideas and maximizing productivity:

Sloth Journal10. Ideas Notebook

A lined notebook for jotting down ideas. They come in a variety of cute covers, from sloths to llamas. 

One Line a Day Journal11. One Line a Day Journal

I love the idea of this journal! Each page is a day with five entries. So each year you can reflect on specific thoughts from that day. It’s like TimeHop in journal form! 


Business Enhancers 

Freelancing is an entrepreneurial pursuit, so why not give them the gift of business growth? 

12. An Online Course

Become a freelance writer in 30 days or less

It’s important to keep learning in the world of online business! Chances are, they have an existing wishlist of online courses they want to invest in, but if you’re not sure what to get them, my top pick is 30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success which is designed to help writers build a business from scratch, but is also useful for freelancers looking to level-up their biz. 

Rachel Hollis - Girl, Stop Apologizing

13. Business & Personal Growth Books

Books help writers learn things and find inspiration. Books specifically geared towards freelance writing and crushing online business are a great gift for the freelancing entrepreneur! (And it pairs great with the Kindle or Audible subscription!) 

Just browse these lists of the top freelancing and personal growth books and pick out a couple that you think will benefit your writer most! (Hint: Rachel Hollis!)

Cozy Stuff

Who doesn’t like to be cozy? I’m convinced that comfort plays a big role in productivity, and I’m 99.99% sure the wordsmith in your life would agree and love the following items:

comfy yoga pants

14. Yoga pants

When I started working full-time from home, I realized I needed way more yoga pants. Chances are your writer could do with another pair. 😉

These ones are great because they have specific fits for women of all different heights so you don’t have to worry about ordering a pair that will be too long or short.

knitted slipper socks

15. Slipper Socks

Whoever invented slipper socks should get an award, I’m serious. There is almost nothing better than keeping your tootsies toasty with these chunky knit booties. I almost never take mine off!

Fun Stuff

If they already seem to have everything a writer could possibly need, you can opt for fun over functional with these ideas:

laptop bag with cool design

16. Fun Laptop Bag

Gift them something snazzy to tote their laptop around in when they’re going to and from the local Starbucks. (Writer stereotype? Maybe. But I sure like my Starbucks!) 

If this one’s not to their taste there’s a whole selection to choose from!

Freelance writer manifesto

17. Inspirational art 

This idea is to be taken with a grain of salt. Some people find inspirational messages to be a bit corny. But if you think they might like it and their workspace could use a little color, a little wall art might be the perfect gift. 

freelance writer tshirt

18. Writer Shirt 

Yes, of all the best gifts for freelance writers, I save the VERY best for last. So what if they probably won’t wear it outside their house but who are we kidding, they’re a hermit anyway right? (Or wait… maybe that’s just me! ) Plus this shirt references one of the greatest lines in GoT history so you can’t go wrong. 

Finding More Gift Ideas for the Freelance Writer in Your Life

Best Gifts for Freelance Writers

Chances are, there is at least one thing on this list that will make the freelance writer in your life happy.

But when it comes to finding the best gifts for freelance writers, remember to take their personality into account and pay attention to the things they talk about to get even more ideas! 

That’s one more person off your list! 

Was this guide about finding the best gifts for freelance writers helpful? Let me know in the comments!

Want to learn more about the mysterious life of freelance writer and if you should become one yourself? You might be interested in these posts:

Why You Should Focus on Freelance Writing Instead of Blogging

Can You Really Get Paid to Write Online? 5 Freelance Writing Myths Dispelled

Corrie Alexander is a former ISSA-certified personal trainer, home fitness advocate, and founder of The Fit Careerist. A proponent of personal growth and a self-proclaimed fitness app-junkie, Corrie shares tips and product reviews with the goal of helping others on their own fitness journey.

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