Fitness Tips

How to Use This Free Fitness & Weight Loss Calendar to Set Goals for 2021

We’re only just entering the last quarter of 2020, but I say it’s not too early to start looking forward to a happy and healthy new year (especially considering how this year turned out!)

Of course, there’s no time like the present to make positive changes so you don’t have to wait until January to start working towards your fitness goals.

Either way, I have been working on a free resource to help you stay on top of your long-term wellness goals: a fitness and weight loss calendar!

Short-term goals are important too, but establishing long-term goals ensures you keep progressing and that you are treating your fitness journey as just that – an ongoing process and not a quick fix. 

Don’t have any long term goals yet? No worries – I’ll help you make some in this post!

But first thing’s first: I’d like to introduce the Fitness & Weight Loss Calendar!

**I was not paid to write this review. However, this post does contain affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission on purchases you make after clicking on those links. (At no extra cost to you!) These are my own opinions and honest thoughts after using the app. Full disclosure here. **

Disclaimer – This post is for informational purposes only, and is NOT to be construed as medical advice. You should always consult your doctor prior to making any changes to your health routine. 

Download this FREE Fitness & Weight Loss Calendar!

I think apps and online resources can be a life changing way to manage your health and fitness.

But I also feel that there’s something to be said for a tangible piece of paper that you can write on; something that stays in view when you’re not looking at a screen.

That’s why I created this printable fitness & weight loss calendar so that you can track your goals each month.

To make it a little more fun, I made it in 3 different color combinations:

  • “Warm” – Orange & Red
  • “Cool” – Blue & Teal
  • Black & White (The best option if you don’t own a color printer)

All you need to do is sign up to my email list with the form below and it will be delivered right away to your inbox.

Go ahead and download it now, then read the rest of this post so you can get the most out of your calendar!

Choosing Your Goals with a Weight Loss Calculator

Figuring out how much weight you want to lose can be a little tricky, but a good place to start is finding out your BMI.

Your BMI or Body Mass Index, is a calculation that can help give you a rudimentary ballpark figure of where you’re at, and what a healthy weight for you is.

It’s important to note that the BMI metric is limited because it doesn’t factor in your muscle or bone density. But, provided you aren’t a very muscular person, it’s a good place to start.

To find your BMI the equation is your weight in kilos divided by your height in meters, squared:


For example, my height is 5’4” or 1.6256 meters. Squared, that number is 2.6425. My weight is currently 117 lbs or 53.07 kgs. 

53.07/2.6425 = 20.08.

Typically, any number between 18.5-24.9 is considered a healthy weight. 

Now do the same formula again with what you think your goal weight should be. If you’re not sure, start with 15 or 20 lbs less than you weigh now.

If the new number falls in the middle range, this is likely a good goal to set. 

Again, I want to stress that BMI is not the be-all-end-all of your health! It’s a tool to give you a starting point. If you want a more complete picture of your fitness in relation to your weight, you can also try a body fat scale that measures your body fat percentage in addition to your weight.

Again, there are multiple factors at play here so if you need help determining a healthy weight loss goal you should consult a professional one-on-one.

Choosing NSV Goals 

NSV stands for Non-Scale Victory, and means just what it sounds like; it’s any fitness-related goal you achieve that doesn’t have to do with your actual weight.

Some of these victories can be performance or appearance based. 

Some examples of NSV goals:

  • Doing 20 pushups with perfect form and without stopping 
  • Fitting into an old pair of jeans you haven’t been able to wear in years
  • Running your first 5km race
  • Walking 10,000 steps a day for a month
  • Having noticeably more energy during your work day

Setting these kinds of goals are just as important – if not more important – than your weight loss goals.


Because your health and fitness is SO much more than a number on a scale.

The scale is a useful tool but too many people get so wrapped up in the number that they are failing to see the big picture.

In particular, paying attention to how you feel and what you’re able to achieve can be really empowering goals and help you stay motivated.

Using the Fitness & Weight Loss Calendar

It’s pretty straight forward but I wanted to review how I like to use this calendar.

I will start by saying that although it’s perfect for kicking off the new year and setting your first weight loss goal in January, you don’t have to wait until the start of a new year to begin.

For example, if you downloaded this calendar in September, you could start by setting your first goal for October and work through the next 12 months of goals starting with that month. 

Once you’ve printed off your calendar, follow these steps:

Step 1 

Enter your monthly weight loss goal. 

According to the CDC, a weight loss target between 4-8 lbs per month is a healthy goal. To determine where on this spectrum is ideal for you, calculate how much weight you would like to lose in a year, then divide that by 12. That should be the number of pounds you’re aiming to lose each month. 

Once you’ve determined your monthly weight-loss number, subtract it from your current weight and write that number down as your goal weight for month 1. 

Step 2 

From here, you have two options:

  • Fill out the rest of the months subtracting your monthly target from your goal weight each month
  • Wait until the end of your first goal month, see how much you lost by the end of that month, then fill out the following month by subtracting your monthly target from your current weight

Which option you should choose really depends on your preference and what you think will work best for you.

If you’re the kind of person who stays driven by having a solid, year-long plan from the start, option 1 is good. 

But some people feel demotivated if they don’t hit their goal and then they feel like they’re “behind”. (And subsequently decide to give up.)

Or, you might just prefer to tweak your goals as you go. In either case, it may serve you better to take things one month at a time.

Step 3 

Now it’s time to choose your NSV goals. 

On the line below your weight loss goals, write a simple NSV goal. For example:

Then at the end of the month, simply tick the box whether or not you achieved that NSV. 

Step 4 

Keep your calendar somewhere visible where you will see it every day. 

This is super important! The whole reason for tracking your fitness goals on a printable like this is so that it is in front of your face regularly so that you are being reminded of your goals throughout your week.

If it stays “top of mind”, you’re more likely to follow through.

If you need some ideas for some good places, think:

  • On the fridge
  • On the wall in your home office
  • On the wall beside the front door
  • On or next to the mirror in your bedroom

Step 5

Reach your goals! 

I know, that’s the tricky part, right?

Although a crucial first step, merely writing down your goals isn’t enough.

You need a plan on how to reach them. Based on my own fitness journey, here are the two things that helped me most in finding and following a plan:

1. Starting a fitness program. It takes all the guesswork out of exercise. You just need to show up and do the work. So whether that’s a plan to run your first 5k, a 12-week home workout shred, or a 30 day fitness challenge, find a program to follow and zero in on that.

2. Tracking calories & nutrients. Use an app like Cronometer to stay on top of your nutrition. Not only does it help you determine how many calories you should be eating in a day, it makes it really easy to log your meals and keep tabs on your maconutrients.

Yes, macronutrient tracking can seem intimidating at first. So if you need to, it’s totally okay to start with basic nutrition goals and go from there.

For example, you could start with just focusing on meeting your target calories and disregarding macronutrients altogether.

Once you’re comfortable with that, you can start working on macro goals one at a time. For example, for the longest time I only concerned myself with getting enough protein and didn’t worry too much about the other macros.

Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Making small, gradual changes is really key, especially with diet!

Slow & Steady Wins the Race!

Yes, it’s a cliche, but in this case it is true. 

A year may seem like a long time, but it’s really not, especially if you can embrace fitness as an ongoing journey.

In other words, if you can stay focused on your goals one day at a time, it is way easier to stay motivated.

If you need some more help getting in the right headspace to succeed in reaching your fitness goals, my Ultimate Guide to Fitness Motivation is a free resource I created to help with just that!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the fitness & weight loss goal calendar!


What is this Fitness & weight loss calendar?

It’s a simple, one page printable where you can track your monthly weight loss and non-scale victories throughout the year. The idea is that it’s in a place where you see it every day so your health and fitness goals stay “top of mind”!

How much weight per month do I need to lose?

Use the BMI calculation outlined in this post to give you a rough estimate of how much you need to lose. Everyone is different depending on how much weight they have to lose, but a good target is generally around 4-8 lbs per month.

How many weeks does it take for you to notice weight loss?

Change tends to be gradual, and depends on how many pounds you intend to lose per month, but in general you should start noticing a difference by the end of the first month. 

But it can be hard to see, especially at first. To give yourself an accurate picture of your progress, take progress photos and body measurements once a month.

free fitness and weight loss calendar

Corrie Alexander is a former ISSA-certified personal trainer, home fitness advocate, and founder of The Fit Careerist. A proponent of personal growth and a self-proclaimed fitness app-junkie, Corrie shares tips and product reviews with the goal of helping others on their own fitness journey.

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